Ayurvedic Consulting
Food, health and wellness coaching
Your health is your foundation and when you are out of balance, you may find yourself suffering. This could be physically, emotionally or even financially. As a health coach I will take a close look at your diet, career, relationships, exercise, spirituality and finances and establish what areas might areas may need some attention.
Book a session
Jody offers one on one skype sessions at $220 AUD per hour. If you would like to book a zoom consultation please contact us.
Want to Find out what dosha you are?
Ayurvedic Workshop
Be mentored by me
Each year Jody takes on a small number of people wanting to be mentored in the field of Ayurveda, food and wellness.
It is a One on One mentorship program involving monthly online catch ups,
Your questions on client case studies, business and personal development will form the direction and content of the program.
You will receive 10 x 1/12hr live online group sessions that will be recorded for you to access if you can’t attend the live session.
Cost $1300